[Australia] Phd Scholarships in Economics and Finance at Queensland University of Technology

hi friends!!
you have to know i talk to you about:

Phd Scholarships in Economics and Finance at Queensland University of Technology

QUT`s School of Economics and Finance is seeking three PhD students to undertake study in the areas of behavioural economics and applied microeconometrics.
The scholarships are attached to a large international research group sponsored by the Australian Research Council, AusAid, the World Bank, the Ford Foundation and the German Labour Institute (IZA) as well as an international collaboration with European companies.
The successful applicants will work with researchers from the Australian National University and the QUT-based National Centre for Econometric Research.
They will be expected to follow standard economic PhD coursework in all fields of economics and to engage in a variety of analyses, such as handling large-scale data sets on migration in China, performing economic experiments in Australia with and without measuring heart rates, or developing a theoretical view of human decision making (including migration, network formation and attitudes towards risk and collaboration).

Application criteria
1. At least an Honours 2A or international equivalent thereof in economics or closely related subfield.
2. Good verbal and written English language skills.
3. A proven high ability in the use of analytical methods, as witnessed by courses in statistics/economic modelling/game theory/mathematics, or else prior work of a high analytical quality.
4. The ability to work with world-class researchers from many different countries (Australia, the United States, England, China, Indonesia, Germany) and the desire to become a research-oriented economist.

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