
[Australia] Phd Scholarships in Economics and Finance at Queensland University of Technology

hi friends!!
you have to know i talk to you about:

Phd Scholarships in Economics and Finance at Queensland University of Technology

QUT`s School of Economics and Finance is seeking three PhD students to undertake study in the areas of behavioural economics and applied microeconometrics.
The scholarships are attached to a large international research group sponsored by the Australian Research Council, AusAid, the World Bank, the Ford Foundation and the German Labour Institute (IZA) as well as an international collaboration with European companies.
The successful applicants will work with researchers from the Australian National University and the QUT-based National Centre for Econometric Research.
They will be expected to follow standard economic PhD coursework in all fields of economics and to engage in a variety of analyses, such as handling large-scale data sets on migration in China, performing economic experiments in Australia with and without measuring heart rates, or developing a theoretical view of human decision making (including migration, network formation and attitudes towards risk and collaboration).

Application criteria
1. At least an Honours 2A or international equivalent thereof in economics or closely related subfield.
2. Good verbal and written English language skills.
3. A proven high ability in the use of analytical methods, as witnessed by courses in statistics/economic modelling/game theory/mathematics, or else prior work of a high analytical quality.
4. The ability to work with world-class researchers from many different countries (Australia, the United States, England, China, Indonesia, Germany) and the desire to become a research-oriented economist.

[Canada] PhD Position in Database Integration at Memorial University of Newfoundland

PhD Position in Database Integration

basic program:
The Faculty of Business Administration at Memorial University of Newfoundland is inviting applications for a PhD in Information Systems with an emphasis on database integration. The project is supported by a grant from the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
The deadline for applications is March 1

[Italy] PhD Scholarships in Economics and Finance at University of Verona

Call for Admissions: PhD Program in Economics and Finance at Università di Verona (Italy)

The Department of Economics at the University of Verona (Italy) is pleased to announce the availability of at least three PhD Research Scholarships for 3 years starting in January 2009.

Wanna be scholarship, this is The Doctoral Program in Economics and Finance is designed to train doctoral candidates in a broad program of advanced study for careers in teaching and research in universities, in public and private research organizations, in financial and consulting institutions and private companies. The department recruits promising students from Italy and abroad and courses are taught in English. Students are accepted directly for Ph.D. degree. As prerequisite, students must hold a bachelor`s degree from an accredited institution in Italy or the equivalent level of education from an institution outside Italy.

[USA] M.S./Ph.D. Studies in Information Systems at UCIrvine

The faculty of the Information Systems Group (ISG) at UC Irvine is looking for a handful of excellent prospective students who are seeking an exciting, active place to study and do research on databases and information systems starting in the Fall of 2009. Several large projects are underway and several new ones are just beginning and will provide excellent opportunities for incoming students to "get in on the ground floor" of interesting new research initiatives.
For more information please send to me.
The application deadline is January 15th, 2009

Adding Youtube In A Post

PhD Scholarships for Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences at Luebeck University, Germany

The application deadline is January 15, 2009.Again, i'm support your motivation:
The Graduate School of Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences (funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinsch aft, DFG, and the German Government within the German university excellence program) at Luebeck University is now offering PhD scholarships for the following 16 projects:

1. Correction of Susceptibility caused Distortions in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
2. Endoscopic Optical Coherence Tomography in the Deep Brain
3. Transcranial sonography (TCS) in monogenic forms of Parkinsonism
4. Stroke Rehabilitation Robot
5. Parallel mode of action control: from human studies to intelligent robotic interfaces
6. Cardiac pacemaker localization
7. Brain Modelling
8. Robot assisted navigation guided OCT operating microscope
9. Definition of cortical networks for the control of eye and hand movements
10. 3-dimensional kinematic principles of eye, head and limb movements
11. Interfaces based on EEG, ECoG and DBS
12. Inhibitor Design
13. Efficient Methods of Exact Solutions of Complex Problems in Molecular Biology
14. Synaptic Plasticity: Regulatory Mechanisms in Receptor Trafficking
15. Computational analysis of RNA structure
16. Analysis of adult stem cells by computer vision
Please visit our website for more detailed descriptions of the projects.
PhD scholarships amount to 1250 Euros per month. The application deadline is January 15, 2009. Students with a master`s degree (or its equivalent) in computer science, mathematics or engineering are invited to apply for admission. In certain cases, students must submit, as part of their application, the results of one of the acknowledged language tests to prove their English proficiency.

For further information, please visit our website at

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions via email: before sending your application.

PhD Scholarships in Mobile Information Sharing at Nanyang Technological University

One more again scholarships in this blog, that:
Applications are invited for PhD scholarships in mobile information sharing research at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). Successful candidates will have the opportunity to work on a cutting-edge mobile interactive digital media project that involves gameplay and information sharing. Potential areas of research include:

* Mobile game design and development for information sharing
* User interface design and evaluation
* Modeling mobile information seeking
* Mobile data management
* Information retrieval and mining techniques
* Mobility and management of information systems
* Social, psychological and organizational impact studies

Ideal candidates would have a good Master`s degree in computer science, information systems, information science, or fields relevant to the above research areas. They should have good communication skills in English and be motivated to carry out research in one or more of the above areas. They should also preferably have some mobile applications development and/or data analysis experience. GRE scores are also required for candidates whose degrees are not awarded from a Singapore-based university.

Scholarships are available for the August 2009 semester. Successful candidates will be awarded a four-year scholarship plus a monthly stipend.